
SleepScore App Review: Simple and Effective Sleep Tracker

SleepScore App
Getting a good night's sleep is essential for staying healthy and energized. But how can you tell if you're getting enough shut-eye or how well you are sleeping? Enter the SleepScore App, a sleep tracking app that helps you get your best sleep.

If you’re looking for a simple yet effective sleep tracker then SleepScore might be worth considering. In this article, we’ll break down what the SleepScore App is, who should use it, how it works and what features it offers. Read on!

What is the SleepScore App?

The SleepScore app is a free mobile application developed by Resmed to help users improve their sleep habits and track their overall sleep quality. It uses advanced Sonar technology to measure a user’s sleep score based on various factors such as duration, depth of sleep, and restfulness of sleep. The app also provides personalised advice on how to get better quality sleep, such as when to go to bed and when to wake up.

I really like the simplicity of the app. It simply does what it says on the tin which is track your sleep by sonar movement technology. Essentially, your smartphone acts as the sonar device which is placed next to your bed. The app provides a score of your sleep to give you an evaluation of how well you slept.

SleepScore app
SleepScore app tracking

How Does the SleepScore App Work?

When you first download the app, it will ask you some basic questions about your sleep goals (e.g. fall asleep easier or wake up less). Also about how you currently perceive your sleep from poor to excellent.

SleepScore app set-up
SleepScore App Set-up

Once you are ready to go to sleep, you simply click start tracking in the go to sleep feature in the app. Then place your phone just off the edge of a bedside cabinet or nightstand and let the app monitor your sleep.

SleepScore app tracking
SleepScore app tracking and sleep score

When you wake up, SleepScore will calculate your….well…..sleep score. This score will be based on factors like duration of sleep, depth of sleep and restfulness of sleep all combined into one number that measures your overall sleeping efficiency during each night. You can then use this data over time to see where you need to make adjustments in order to improve your overall sleeping efficiency and quality.

How Does It Calculate Your Sleep Score?

TheSleepScore app uses your smartphone microphone and speaker to measure multiple data points to accurately calculate your “sleep score” each night. These data points include things like sleep duration, breathing rate, wake time, sleep cycles (e.g. light, REM and deep sleep) and time in bed throughout the night. It also assesses other environmental factors such as noise levels or light exposure in your bedroom at night. All these factors are combined together in order to give a score that measures your overall sleep each night.

How Does SleepScore App Track Your Sleep?

TheSleepScore app uses Sonar technology to track your body movements, noise levels and breathing rate.

Is There A Paid Subscription for SleepScore?

Yes, there is a paid subscription for premium features. In addition to all of the free features there is a CheckUp feature where you can send an assessment to SleepScore. They will provide you with the results by email in the format of doctor friendly report. So, you can take this to your GP if you have any concerns over your sleep health. You can also access challenges, a snore quiz for personalised product recommendations, a 30-day sleep report and be able to analyse your sleep data more in-depth over time.

A paid subscription costs £8.99 (per/month) or an annual payment of £45.99 (per/year). There is a 7 day free trial, but you have to remember to stop the subscription before the trial ends to prevent further payment.

Also, the app provides access to a sleep coach. This feature provides you with personalised insights based on your sleep score, an assessment you complete and access to a registered sleep coach. There is an additional cost for the coaching programme depending on how long you choose to receive support. There’s either a 2 week ($295), 4 week ($395) or 6 weeks ($495) which is accessible for non-subscribed members also.

SleepScore app Sleep coach
Personalised insights from a registered Sleep Coach

Who Should Use the SleepScore App?

The SleepScore app is perfect for anyone looking to keep track of their sleeping habits and improve their overall quality of restful nights.

It can be for athletes, fitness enthusiasts or those who are trying to reach peak fitness performance. This is because it can give insights into how much rest they’re getting each night and provide tips on how they can get even better quality rest by improving sleep.

If you feel you need to unwind, de-stress and clear your mind to improve your sleep, then check out our review on the Headspace app. Or you may be interested in the Morphee Sleep aid.

What Are Pros and Cons Of The SleepScore App?


  • Simple and easy to use. It’s not overly techy
  • There’s plenty of features on the free version to get a reasonable understanding of your sleep quality.
  • Syn’s with Apple and Google Health
  • Provides a gateway to registered sleep experts
  • Insights and recommendations are personalised based on your habits


  • Like many other sleep apps, you need your smartphone next to or near you while sleeping. Sometimes, this is counter-productive to the advice that many sleep professionals provide when sleeping.

What Do Other Reviews and Users Say About the App

The reviews are better on the Apple Store (4.4 out of 5) than Google Play (2.6 out of 5). The main complaint when negative reviews are reported is that the app can crash during the night. This has resulted in sleep data being lost and also alarms not working in the morning. There have been reports that app comes with bug issues but SleepScore have reassured in their responses that many of the bug issues have been fixed. Also, users report the volume of the alarms to be louder than they’d like.

However, from the many positive reviews users have found the data and information useful. Also, they generally like the simplicity of the app. Finally, many users have reported in their reviews that the app has improved their understanding of their sleep and how to improve it.

Final Verdict on the SleepScore App

I liked the app and found it a simple and easy to use sleep tracker. It reassures me that it is developed by Resmed who are experts in the field. In terms of the negative reviews, I didn’t experience any of the reported bugs. Although I did agree the alarm volume could be kinder or at least provide us with the option of controlling the volume level. It’s a useful app for anyone who is looking to track and improve their sleep. Furthermore, the free version provides enough data to understand your sleep habits day by day. However, for more in-depth insight over a longer period of time you will need to pay for the subscription. It provides access to a registered professional if you believe you have any sleep issues that you would like to receive advice. However, the additional advice will come at extra cost.

The app is available on Apple App Store and Google Play.



Written by:

On Key

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