
How to Keep Your Heart Rate Low While Running

Heart Rate Running
Zone 2 running and recovery runs are a staple part of a runners programme. But how easy is it to keep your heart rate under control while running? We have a few techniques for you to try

When you’re running, it’s natural for your heart rate to increase. This is due in part to genetics and the fitness level you may have, but there are techniques that you can use to lower your heart rate while running. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why it’s beneficial to run at lower heart rates, who would benefit from such a practice, techniques for lowering your heart rate, and technology for tracking your heart rate.

Why Run at Lower Heart Rates?

Running at lower heart rate zones has a slew of benefits. It helps build aerobic capacity and endurance by teaching the body how to be efficient with oxygen consumption. It also decreases the risk of injury by strengthening muscles without stressing them too much. Lastly, it promotes fat burning instead of relying on carbs or sugars as an energy source.

Who Would Benefit from Running at Lower Heart Rate Zones?

If you are a beginner runner or someone looking to get back into running after taking a break for some time, running at lower heart rates can help build endurance and strength slowly and steadily over time. For experienced runners, running at lower heart rates can help create more consistent paces since the body will be accustomed to using it as an energy source rather than relying on short bursts of energy that comes from sugar or carbohydrates.

The Science Behind Running at Lower Heart Rate Zones

Low heart rate running, also known as aerobic base training, involves running at a pace that keeps your heart rate within a certain range. This range is typically around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate, and is considered the “aerobic zone”. Training in this zone helps to improve the efficiency of your cardiovascular system by strengthening your heart and increasing the capacity of your lungs.

When you run at a lower heart rate, your body is able to use oxygen more efficiently, which allows you to sustain your pace for longer periods of time. This is because your body is able to use aerobic metabolism to convert stored fat and carbohydrates into energy, instead of relying on anaerobic metabolism which produces lactic acid and leads to fatigue.

Training in the aerobic zone also helps to build endurance by increasing the number of capillaries in your muscles and improving the ability of your muscles to utilize oxygen. This allows you to run for longer distances and at a faster pace without experiencing fatigue.

Athletes who train frequently in lower heart rate zones often do so as a part of their base training period. This is a period of training that occurs during the off-season or pre-season, and is designed to build a strong aerobic foundation that will support higher intensity training later on. By building a strong aerobic base, athletes can improve their endurance, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance their recovery time.

Techniques To Lower Your Heart Rate

There are several techniques that runners can use to lower their heart rate while running. These techniques include:

Maintain a steady pace: Running at a steady pace helps your body to maintain a consistent workload, which can help to keep your heart rate in check. Try to avoid starting too fast or slowing down too much during your run, as this can cause your heart rate to spike.

Focus on your breathing: Paying attention to your breathing can help you to control your heart rate while running. Try to take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. This can help to relax your body and reduce the strain on your cardiovascular system.

Run on flat terrain: Running on flat terrain can help to reduce the amount of work that your body has to do, which can help to keep your heart rate at a lower level. Running uphill can cause your heart rate to spike, so try to avoid steep inclines if possible.

Hydrate properly: Proper hydration is important for maintaining a healthy heart rate while running. Make sure to drink enough water before, during, and after your run to prevent dehydration, which can cause your heart rate to increase.

Running with Correct Form Contributes to Efficient Running

Learning to run with correct form can also help to lower your heart rate while running. A proper foot strike, strong foot base, and core stability can all contribute to more efficient running, which can help to reduce the workload on your cardiovascular system and keep your heart rate at a lower level. Work on these 3 areas of your running form to improve your heart rate control during running:

1) Focus on Foot Strike

Running foot strike

One important aspect of proper running form is a good foot strike. This involves landing on the middle or front part of your foot, rather than your heel. Landing on your heel can cause a jarring impact on your body, which can increase the stress on your cardiovascular system and lead to a higher heart rate. By landing on the middle or front part of your foot, you can reduce the impact on your body and run more efficiently, which can help to keep your heart rate at a lower level.

2) Improve Your Foot Base

Running foot stability

Strong foot base is also important for efficient running. This involves having strong foot muscles and arches, which can help to absorb shock and reduce the impact on your body while running. A strong foot base can also help to improve your balance and stability, which can help to reduce the risk of injury and keep your heart rate at a lower level.

3) Work on Core Stability

Running core stability

Core stability is another key component of efficient running. Having a strong core can help to improve your posture and alignment, which can help to reduce the amount of work that your body has to do while running. By maintaining good posture and alignment, you can run more efficiently and reduce the strain on your cardiovascular system, which can help to keep your heart rate at a lower level.

Also Incorporate Strength Training

As you can see from the factors above they can all benefit from strength training. This doesn’t mean trying to build muscle, but building functional muscle strength focusing on muscle groups that activate when running. Strength training can help to improve your running economy, which can help to reduce the amount of work that your body has to do while running. This can help to keep your heart rate at a lower level, and can also help to reduce the risk of injury.

Technology For Tracking Heart Rate

Technology has made it easier than ever for runners to track their heart rate while running. There are a variety of devices and apps available that can help runners monitor their heart rate and optimise their training. Here are 5 smart devices that are great for all levels of runners:

Fitbit Charge 5

Fitbit Charge 5 Activity Tracker
Source: Fitbit

The Fitbit Charge 5 is a versatile fitness tracker that includes heart rate monitoring, GPS tracking, and sleep tracking. It also features guided breathing sessions, which can help runners to lower their heart rate during their workouts. The Charge 5 is water-resistant and has a long battery life, making it a great option for runners who want to track their heart rate and other fitness metrics throughout the day.

Apple Watch Series 8

Apple Smartwatch Series 8
Source: Apple

The Apple Watch Series 8 is a smartwatch that includes a variety of health and fitness features, including heart rate monitoring, GPS tracking, and activity tracking. It also includes a blood oxygen sensor, which can provide additional insights into your cardiovascular health. The Series 8 is water-resistant and has a durable design, making it a great option for runners who want a device that can withstand tough workouts and outdoor adventures.

Garmin Forerunner 245

Garmin Forerunner 245
Source: Garmin

The Garmin Forerunner 245 is a GPS running watch that includes advanced running dynamics and heart rate monitoring. It also includes features like training status, which can help runners optimise their workouts based on their current fitness level. The Forerunner 245 is water-resistant and has a long battery life, making it a great option for runners who want a reliable and accurate device for tracking their heart rate while running.

Polar H10 Heart Rate Sensor

Polar H10 Heart Rate Sensor Chest Strap
Source: Polar

The Polar H10 Heart Rate Sensor is a chest strap that provides accurate heart rate monitoring during workouts. It is compatible with a variety of fitness apps, including Polar Beat and Strava, and can provide real-time heart rate data during your runs. The H10 is waterproof and has a long battery life, making it a great option for runners who want a reliable and accurate device for tracking their heart rate.

Wahoo TICKR Fit Optical Heart Rate Monitor

Source: Wahoo

The Wahoo TICKR Fit is an optical heart rate monitor that can be worn on your arm or chest. It provides accurate heart rate monitoring during workouts and is compatible with a variety of fitness apps, including Wahoo Fitness and Peloton. The TICKR Fit is sweatproof and has a long battery life, making it a great option for runners who want a comfortable and accurate device for tracking their heart rate.

Overall, these smart devices provide accurate and reliable heart rate monitoring for runners of all levels. By using technology to track their heart rate, runners can optimise their training and improve their cardiovascular fitness over time.

Combining techniques, improved running form and tech is the key to lowering heart rate while running

In conclusion, low-heart rate training has many benefits such as improving aerobic capacity and endurance as well as promoting fat burning over other sources like carbs or sugars for energy production when running.

Running at lower heart rate zones can be a great way to improve your overall fitness level while reducing the risk of injury. By incorporating techniques such as maintaining a steady pace and focusing on your breathing, you can train your body to become more efficient at running while keeping your heart rate at a lower level.

Improving strength and your running form is also key to improving your efficiency and running economy. This places less stress on the body and help to keep your heart rate lower while still maintaining speed.

With the help of technology, you can track your heart rate in real-time and keep your heart rate and training zones under your own control, making your workouts more effective and enjoyable.



Written by:

On Key

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