
Freeletics Review: Working Out With A Personal AI Coach

Freeletics app
AI is taking many industries by storm, so we have decided to take a look at Freeletics, an app that promises an AI coach that customises and adapts training programmes to your needs.

Whether you’re an endurance athlete, a body builder or just like to exercise to stay healthy, maintaining an exercise regime that’s structured and progressive can be tricky. For many of us, that’s why we train with a personal trainer to keep us on track. Freeletics has been a leading app for people who want to have access to planned and structured workouts. So, I decided to give Freeletics a go and see how it can help my training regime.

What is the Freeletics App?

Freeletics is a fitness app that uses AI technology to provide users with personalised workout plans based on their fitness goals, body type, and level of fitness. The app offers a wide range of workouts, from cardio to strength training, to help users achieve their desired results. What sets Freeletics apart from other fitness apps is its ability to continuously adapt and adjust the workout plans based on the user’s progress and feedback. This is their AI powered algorithm at work, where it automatically adjusts workout intensity and exercises to customise to your needs.

Freeletics app

Who I Think Would Benefit Most from Freeletics

In my opinion, Freeletics is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their fitness level and lead a healthy lifestyle. The app is designed to cater to both beginners and advanced users, and the workout plans can be customised based on the user’s preferences and limitations. This not only includes fitness levels but also access to equipment, gyms or if you prefer to exercise from home. However, as I mention later in the article the app will be suited to people who prefer HIIT type workouts.

Furthermore, if you’re someone who needs a little push to stay motivated, having a personalised workout plan can make a world of difference. It certainly helps to create structure to your workouts and ensure you are not lost on what exercises or workouts to do next. Also, the app comes with a mindset coaching feature that can help you to overcome any mental barriers that can stop you from working out.

What Features I Liked and Used the Most with Freeletics

First off, I have to say that I was impressed by the variety of workouts available on the app. There are over 1,000 different exercises to choose from, which means that you’re never doing the same thing twice. Plus, the workouts are all designed to be done with minimal equipment, so you don’t need to have a fully-equipped gym to get a good workout in.

I also appreciated how customisable the app is. You can select your fitness level, the type of workout you want to do (strength, endurance, etc.), and how long you want your workout to be. This makes it easy to fit a workout into even the busiest of schedules.

One of the features I liked most about Freeletics is the coach function. When you sign up for the app, you’re assigned an AI coach who creates a personalised workout plan for you based on your fitness goals and progress. The coach takes your input and builds a plan that’s challenging but achievable, adjusting as you go along. The coach also checks in with you regularly to see how you’re doing and offer encouragement.

Freeletics app

Also, I like that Freeletics enables you to track your progress. The app records and analyses every workout, providing you with valuable insights into their progress. Finally, the app includes instructional videos that guide you through each exercise, ensuring you’re performing the movements correctly.

Freeletics app

There is a community feature where you can post updates and receive updates from Freeletics. Although, I must admit I didn’t engage with this at all. The focus of the app was about the workouts and having Freeletics help me build out a routine.

What Are the Main Features of Freeletics App?

The Freeletics app offers a range of features, including:

  • Personalised Training Plans: The app creates personalised training plans based on your fitness goals and fitness level.
  • Wide Range of HIIT style Workouts: The app offers a variety of HIIT workouts, including running, lifting weights, and bodyweight exercises.
  • AI-Based Algorithm: The app’s AI-based algorithm adapts workouts to your specific needs.
  • Explore Tab: The Explore tab offers one-off digital workouts as well as warmups, cooldowns, stretches, workouts that zero in on specific muscle groups, guided runs and sprints, equipment and equipment-free workouts, as well as time-based workouts. This is the main feature available for free subscribers.
  • Coach Tab: The Coach tab offers a six to eight-week course that takes into account all the data you entered from the jump.

How Does it Compare to Other Fitness App’s that use AI (Fitbod, Fitness AI)?

Freeletics stacks up quite well compared to other fitness apps that use AI technology. Fitbod is another app that uses AI technology, but it focuses mainly on strength training, while Freeletics offers a broader range of workouts. Fitness AI, on the other hand, offers similar features to Freeletics. Particularly, how it adapts the programme based on your input and feedback but it does not have the AI coaching features that Freeletics offers.

FeatureFreeleticsFitness AIFitbod
Adaptive AI workoutsYesYesYes
Personal CoachYesNoNo
Workout libraryYesYesYes
Instructional videosYesYesYes
Progress TrackingYesYesYes
Nutrition advice / coachYes (additional cost)NoNo
Free optionsFree workout libraryFree workout libraryYes and free trial
Price£119.99 per year
£54.99 for 3 months
£87.99 Annual Member£70.99 per year
£11.49 per month
DevicesIOS and AndriodIOS onlyIOS and Android

What I Liked Least about Freeletics

One of the drawbacks of Freeletics is that the app is focused on HIIT type workouts and routines. For me personally, I try to incorporate strength and conditioning workouts around my higher intensity endurance sessions. So, I wasn’t always needing my strength workouts to be HIIT. It would be useful if the app catered for people who incorporate strength training or workouts for functional goals.

The other drawback is that Freeletics don’t offer a free trial for the AI and coaching aspect of the app. Freeletics charge a subscription to follow an AI coach powered programme, which is understandable. But I was a little frustrated that there was no way of testing the feature out without committing to a subscription.

Final Verdict on Freeletics

It’s easy to see why Freeletics is a popular fitness app. It has an easy to use interface and the AI coach feature is fairly intuitive to provide structured workouts. However, they are mostly focused on HIIT workouts so any paying subscribers would need to consider that HIIT suits them before making the investment. I also believe the app and subscription would be an excellent choice for people who are short on time. The AI coach will help to provide tailored plans and workouts so you can maintain a progressive structure. Overall, a great app but you’ll only benefit from it’s AI capabilities with a paid subscription.

Download the app on Apple Store

Download the app on Google Play


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